We are delighted to share the latest development in the trade and investment sector. This morning Chamber President Mr. Richard Ngatia held a meeting with the His Excellency Ambassador Chenhwa Lou, Taiwan Representative in the Republic of Somaliland, also affiliated to Kenya, to discuss the opportunities available in trade and investment.

During the meeting, the Chamber President highlighted the importance of strengthening ties between Kenya and Taiwan in trade and investment. He emphasized that Kenya is an attractive destination for foreign investment, and Taiwanese investors can benefit greatly from the country’s strategic location, skilled workforce, and abundant natural resources.

Ambassador Chenhwa Lou, on the other hand, expressed his country’s interest in exploring business opportunities in Kenya. He noted that Taiwan has expertise in various sectors, including healthcare, technology, manufacturing, value addition, and e-mobility, and is keen to share this knowledge with Kenyan businesses.

Both parties agreed to collaborate further to promote trade and investment between the two countries. They identified key areas of cooperation, including technology transfer, joint ventures, scholarships and capacity building.

As the KNCCI, we believe that this partnership presents a great opportunity for our members and the wider business community to expand their operations and explore new markets. KNCCI and Taiwan Trade Centre will renew the existing Memorandum of Understanding to explore more on areas of trade growth and Investment attraction.

The meeting was a follow up from a Networking Dinner hosted by the Ambassador for KNCCI Members led by the Chamber 1st Vice President Dr. Erick Rutto to engage on available opportunities between Kenya and Taiwan Market.