According to the Kenya Economic survey report 2022,the Jua Kali sector contributed 25% of the GDP. The role of the Jua Kali sector in the economy cannot be underestimated, apart from creating jobs ,Jua Kali products are exported to the neighboring counties thereby fetching foreign exchange for the economy .

The Kenya National Federation of Jua Kali Associations (KNFJKA) have been key partners of KNCCI and both organizations engage in advocacy efforts to promote the interests of businesses, with the aim of creating a favorable business environment, influencing policy decisions, and representing the needs and concerns of members.

KNFJKA today launched its first ever strategic plan that will run for five years with the five main pillars being

  • The Federation reforms
  • Improving productivity and competitiveness of the sector products
  • accelerating skilling and adoption of technology
  • Creating strategic partnerships for the benefit and value of the sector and supporting innovation, market development and commercialization for the sector products and services.
  • Improving manufacturing productivity in the country.

The KNFJKA CEO Mr.Richard Muteti ,HSC in his remarks appreciated KNCCI for working closely with the federation to provide exposure to its members through trade fairs and exhibition within and outside the country that have promoted knowledge sharing and improved skills .

The Chamber President Dr. Erick Rutto  and Chamber Vice President Mr. Mustafa Ramadhan accompanied by Board of Directors , KNCCI county chairpersons and vice chairpersons attended the launch to establish a mutual working relationship with KNFJKA.

KNCCI Nairobi Chapter Chairperson Dr.James Mwaura acknowledged the existing relationship that KNCCI has with the Jua Kali federation having 1,500 members affiliated under the Baraka Women Business umbrella .

The Chamber President Dr. Erick Rutto in his opening remarks, urged all participants to embrace ‘ Buy Kenya Build Kenya ‘ to promote industrialization for Jua Kali sector. He also noted that it would be great to have a representative from the federation join the KNCCI SME committee to jointly address policy matters with urgency.

He also noted that KNCCI can offer access to finance through Jiinue program that targets 100,000 businesses and also provide capacity building for MSMEs.

In Conclusion, KNCCI will take part in the monitoring and evaluation of the strategic plan to ensure its successful implementation and measure the progress towards achieving the set objectives.

The Kenya National Chamber of Commerce (KNCCI) congratulates The Kenya National Federation of Jua Kali Associations (KNFJKA) on its first strategic plan and applauds the vision ahead