This morning KNCCI Leadership led by the National Director Mr. Kennedy Onditi, MBS  hosted a delegation from the Hunan Higher People’s Court, headed by President Mr. Zhu Yu. The primary objective of this meeting was to foster collaboration between the two organizations, especially in light of KNCCI’s recent establishment of a new branch in Hunan, China.

The discussions revolved around enhancing the capacity of Kenyan nationals in arbitration matters to help them better understand the Chinese legal system. Additionally, there was a focus on raising awareness among Chinese businesses about Kenyan law, particularly in the realm of business law.

KNCCI expressed its readiness and willingness to cooperate with the Hunan People’s Court in providing scholarships for Kenyan nationals to pursue education in business law in China. This initiative is intended to facilitate smoother investments in both countries in the end. Furthermore, having a solid foundation in business law in both nations will be instrumental in reducing trade conflicts between them.

Also present during the meeting were The KNCCI CEO Mr. Patrick Nyangweso, KNCCI Regional Director Mr. Abdullahi Hersi, KNCCI Trustee Ms. Phyllis Wangwe