The Kenya National Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KNCCI) President Dr. Erick Rutto paid a courtesy call to the Minister Counselor, Economic and Commercial Office Mr. Xhang Yijun, Embassy Peoples Republic of China.

In the discussions, Dr. Rutto appreciated the warm welcome by the Minister Counsellor and the significant partnership with the Embassy of People’s Republic of China from 2019, which aims to prioritize industrial transformation, value addition, a skilled workforce and opportunities within the SME sector.

There have been remarkable achievement’s; inclusion of KNCCI members and Officials in training, seminars however there was a disruption of planned activities due to Covid 19.nonetheless KNCCI opened its overseas China branch in 2023, have had 3 delegations going into China and are in the midst of mapping 77 scholars to participate in masters programs . Dr.Rutto appreciated the Embassy technical support in enhancing exports of agricultural products to China, he also raised a concern on stringent process for visas noting that it’s hampering the formation of joint ventures with Chinese businessmen and requested for a more streamlined visa process for KNCCI members.

Mr. Yijun expressed delight and honor at receiving the Chamber President at the Embassy of the Peoples Republic of China, noting that it is the first visit of its kind. He appreciated the good working relationship between the two, highlighting the lead KNCCI has taken in driving private sector growth.

Mr. Yijun spoke to the recent steady growth of bilateral, trade, and economic cooperation , and he committed to supporting KNCCI to enhance the bilateral trade relationship .The calendar on scholarship’s ,seminars, and programs will be shared with KNCCI for member participation.

He also committed to support KNCCI on the visa processing of its members. The Second Secretary Hui Zeng invited KNCCI to meet with an incoming delegation on April 20th – 24th, China International Import Expo (CIIE), Shanghai the largest national import expo held annually. Last year, over $ 10 billion worth of deals was signed at the CIIE. It’s the only expo that focuses on imports.

China has recently approved an additional 33 companies to export avocadoes, and tests are underway on red chilies and green grams (pest control), dried bananas, and dried mangoes for export

In conclusion, the leaders committed to continued and enhanced cooperation as it was essential to the growth of bilateral trade and economic cooperation