In order to boost bilateral engagements between Kenya and Congo Brazzaville ,The President of the Republic of Kenya His Excellency DR. William Samoei Ruto, C.G.H invited a business delegation drawn from KNCCI members to accompany him and other government officials to Congo Brazzaville for bilateral talks for economic boost between the two countries.

During a state banquet last evening, hosted by The President of Congo Brazzaville SE Denis Sassou N’guesso ,The  President of the Republic of Kenya advocated for elimination of  visa requirements to facilitate intra – Africa business activities and promote trade relations.

Today 8th July,2023 the Kenyan President  together with Kenyan government officials and Congo Brazzaville officials joined the KNCCI business delegates during a business -to -business forum with the members drawn from The Chamber of Commerce of Congo Brazzaville and Pointe Noire.

The Kenyan President noted that the business community plays n a crucial role in the implementation of trade deals and Memorandum of Understanding MoUs between government to government. He encouraged the Kenyan business delegation to network and establish market linkages with their counterparts in Congo Brazzaville.

The delegates also got a chance to have a couple of site visits to various companies to explore opportunities and establish connections,