KNCCI Director and Chairperson of Women in Business Committee Zainabu Mohamed and CEO Mr. Patrick Nyangweso met with the Cabinet Secretary Ministry of Trade, Investments and Industry, Rebecca Miano, EBS at the Ministry headquarters at the NSSF Building.

The discussion was based on empowering women in industrialization and trade through County Aggregation and Industrial Parks (CAIP). They presented a compelling project proposal to the CS, Rebecca Miano, EBS.The project aims to create a conducive environment for women entrepreneurs to thrive in industrial and trade sectors, ultimately contributing to sustainable economic development.

The affirmative action program is aligned with the national Bottom-Up Economic Transformative Agenda (BETA) and Budget Policy Statement (BPS) of 2024, and the African Continental Free Trade Area (ACFTA) that seeks to eliminate barriers to trade in Africa and empowers women through the SheTrades project.

The CS founded the Pink Energy, a women empowerment initiative at KenGen, and left the organization as a CEO. As a result, she voiced her strong interest in empowering women in various sectors. She committed herself to supporting the CAIP initiative as she understands women issues. She requested to be invited to the signing of the MOU between KNCCI and the Council of Governors.

Director Zainabu reiterated on the strong resonation of the CAIP initiative to the national Bottom-Up Economic Transformative Agenda as it is a grassroots programme.

In his conclusion, Mr. Nyangweso noted the need to onboard the CAIP initiative to the Karibu Business Support Center so that when the CS will be establishing regional KBSC offices, business enterprises interested in acquiring information about the CAIP initiative will be able to access with ease. He requested the CS to be the Chief Guest during the official launch of CAIP where Director Zainabu will be a key player, and if there is funding for such, to share through a framework.