The Kenya National Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KNCCI) and the Kenya Promotion and Branding Agency (KEPROBA) signed a Letter of Intent for collaboration. KNCCI team was led by CEO Patrick Nyangweso as KEPROBA’s under the CEO Ms. Floice Mukabana at the KEPROBA Office at the 16th Floor Anniversary Towers.

Ms. Mukabana welcomed KNCCI team and mentioned there is a need to formalize the collaboration and focus on areas of collaboration which align with objectives of the individual organization. Areas of collaboration; Bi-annual Exporter Roundtable Forums, highlevel county sensitization programmes, issues that affect export and export ecosystem, formalize mobilization of exporters for key trade missions of benefit.

To note, KNCCI and KEPROBA has been in working together for years, including the development of the National Export Strategy when Mr. Nyangweso was coordinating. The two organizations have been serving exporters alongside each other.

This year, we will be hosting the 5th Exporters’ Round Table where Mr. Nyangweso invited Ms. Mukabana to grace the occasion and have her technical team document. A major challenge that is currently faced by exporters is meeting the desired specification of the global market; one this partnership intends to address.

KNCCI will be having periodic webinars by sectors which can enable sampling and acquire expertise. It was noted that Russia has opportunities for vegetables and fruits, and by understanding the exportation process, exporters will be well equipped thus easing exportation.

CEO KEPROBA was invited to the upcoming signing of the MoU between KNCCI and the Council of Governors, a partnership that would enhance county outreach programmes, eased acquisition of samples of products from the various counties, and have them presented during missions so that potential exporters would know the Kenyan market structure and the requirements.