KNCCI tsigned a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-HABITAT) on 29 April 2024 to engage the private sector in;

  1. Improved land management and sustainably planned human settlement
  2. Improved access to housing, quality urban basic services and infrastructure as well as upgraded slums and informal settlements,
  3. Increased adoption of innovative mechanisms in urban economy and financing, and
  4. Climate Change, Resilience and Disaster Risk Management.

Dr. Erick Rutto KNCCI – Chamber President and Acting Executive Director of UN-HABITAT Mr. Michal Mlynar signed the MOU at the UN HABITAT offices on Housing, Climate Change and Sustainable Land Urban Development.

The MOU establishes a framework for KNCCI and UN-HABITAT to share successful urban practices in support of Goal 11 on sustainable cities and urban settlements in the UN’s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (2030 Agenda).

The Chamber President stated, “This MOU signifies KNCCI-UNHABITAT’s commitment to Sustainable urban development and Climate Change resilience.  It establishes a common platform for an open exchange of urban practices, knowledge-sharing about sustainable development challenges and solutions better ensure mutual learning and identify more collaborative opportunities in.

Dr. Eric Rutto in his remarks, “We look forward to a fruitful, mutually beneficial partnership through the MOU that will not only support the 2030 agenda for sustainable development.”