KNCCI Garissa Chapter officially launched its strategic plans 2024-2028 at the Almond Resort Garissa. The launch was in collaboration with USAID, ILO and ACDI VOCA.

The event was launched by Chamber President Dr. Erick Rutto, Garissa Governor Nathif Jama, Chamber Vice President Mustafa Ramadhan and Garissa Township MP Major (Rtd) Dekow Barrow.

Dr. Rutto enlightened the business community on the ready investment opportunity available in Garissa specifically in meat, camel milk, lemon and irrigation. He further requested the Governor to co-opt KNCCI chapter board members to the various board county committees as they have the private sector perspectives.

Governor Nathif expressed his full support of KNCCI Garissa chapters and directed his CEC to form a technical working group with KNCCI Garissa Chapter board and to convene the first meeting next week.

Mr Mustafa fledged KNCCI leadership full support of attracting investment into the region, he further described Northern Eastern Province (NEP) as Never Ending Potential.

Hon Dekow encouraged the business community to diversify the area of investments, he says the retail businesses aren’t sustainable and should put more focus on the production & Manufacturing.